Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy your LEGO models? How much does a custom model cost?

Yes, I produce models for clients, if you’d like to work together please get in touch through the contact form. The designs in my portfolio are designed for my own enjoyment or clients, if you’d like to purchase my work please get in touch:

Various factors come into consideration when finalising a price such as labour, material costs, shipping etc.

Do you sell building instructions of your LEGO models?

The LEGO models are designed for my enjoyment, I don’t intentionally create any models with building instructions as the primary focus. Nevertheless, if you are interested in one of the smaller models please use the contact form and I might be able to assist you.

Do you have advice for new LEGO builders?

I would personally start with one or two Creator 3-in-1 products and try to only just use those bricks to start building something. Fill your mind with content made by others such as literature, film, television, art etc. Finally share your work online or to someone you know to get a response and feedback.